Vidwan-ID : 465366

  • Dr Komal Handore

  • Assistant Professor
  • NICMAR University, Pune
Publications 2020 - 2023

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Urban Studies

Urban studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines various aspects of cities and urban areas, including their social, economic, political, cultural, and environmental dynamics. It encompasses a wide range of topics such as urban planning, architecture, sociology, geography, economics, public policy, and environmental studies.

Personal Information

Dr Komal Handore

401, Tower 1, Pebble Beach A School of Architecture, Planning, and Real Estate, NICMAR University, Pune
Pune, Maharashtra, India - 411045


  • Assistant Professor

    School of Architecture, Planning, and Real Estate

    NICMAR University, Pune

  • Project Manager

    Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas(CTARA)

    Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

  • Senior Research Fellow

    Architecture and Planning

    Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

  • Junior Research Fellow

    Architecture and Planning

    Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee


  • Ph.D.

    Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

  • Masters in Urban and Rural Planning (M.U.R.P.) - Integrated with Ph.D.

    Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

  • B.Tech. Planning

    College of Engineering, Pune

Honours and Awards


Summer Research Fellowship

National Academy of Sciences


Summer Research Fellowship

National Academy of Sciences

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Membership In Professional Bodies


Institute of Town Planners India

Associate Member


Institute of Town Planners India

Associate Member

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